Swift truly builds one of the most functional and beautiful paddle crafts on the market. We love being a Swift dealer and would love to meet you and discuss Swift boats. Even better, we’d love to get you out on the water with a free private demo. Please come by the shop, or give our staff a call at 337 232 5854 and we can discuss all the options. We’ll handle your Swift purchase from start to finish and make sure that you get the perfect boat of a lifetime. The Prospector design has been a figurehead of Canadian canoeing since the beginning, and the Swift Prospector 16 is our contribution to its legacy and rich heritage. Built from the foundation of a hundred years of dependability, the Prospector 16 has plenty of room for gear, surprising responsiveness, and stability that will put any paddler at ease. Standard Options: Contour Seats, Contour Yoke To utilize the Swift Build and Price Tool, go to: https://swiftcanoe.com/build-price-us/
Length: 16' Gunwale Width: 33.5" Maximum Width: 35" Waterline Width: 32" Centre Depth: 13.5" Bow Height: 21" Stern Height: 21" Bow Rocker: 2" Stern Rocker: 2"